By Raphael Okhiria
The Management of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, says it’s determined to redirect and reposition the institution with a view to addressing future challenges as well as improving its ranking amongst the first rated institutions in Nigeria.
This was the consensus of Management, expanded Management and participants at the just-concluded Management Retreat, which held in the University and was designed to refresh top Management staff of the institution on how best to administer as well as contribute individual and collective energies towards the growth of the institution.
Declaring the Retreat open, the Acting Vice Chancellor, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Prof. Asomwan Sonnie Adagbonyin, enjoined participants to be more focused and dedicated to the discharge of their respective duties.
“It is my pleasure to welcome you all to this long-overdue retreat, designed as a refresher programme for Management and expanded Management staff. We have it as our corporate, collective and individual responsibilities to rise to the occasion by helping to rebuild and grow the university in all our dealings with one another as managers, with other colleagues, with the student populace and the general public.
“If there must be a change here, we as principal and Management officers must bring the necessary change we desire for the university. We are the much needed change agent that the university is desirous of.”
The Acting Vice Chancellor who harped strongly on the need for improved information management strategy among all the staff, irrespective of their cadres said “information management is strategic to the growth of any institution. For us in AAU, a homegrown strategy suitable for a universal workplace is designed and expected to be adhered to by all.
“As a team of management staff at this level, the principle of collective responsibility is expected to be activated as a deliberate policy aimed at defending collective decisions.
“We should all remember that AAU, being a state government-owned University is driven by state government’s policies on Education geared towards achieving set goals powered by the Special Intervention Team(S.I.T.). Be it stated here and unequivocally that whatever policy of government and the S.I.T. is made for this University is binding for implementation and constant defence by all Management staff, by extension, all staff.
“Blame games don’t grow institutions and establishments; rather, commitment to diligence and duties does. I have to use this opportunity to enjoin you all to activate better strategies and attitudes that would change and grow our University. Endeavor to pass this down to your subordinates, who in turn would pass same to theirs.
“So, like a complete gold ring that we are, my work will affect yours, while yours will affect some others. Be sure you do your duties diligently and ensure your subordinate colleagues do the same. With this spirit we are sure of getting a better University for generations unborn.”
Some of the participants at the one day retreat expressed satisfaction saying “We have been exposed to a better model of management which we believe will turn our great University around.
“All that is needed to be done now is a genuine turn around in our individual and collective attitudes to working in this University.
“With this retreat, we are better determined and refocused as a management team to reposition the university,” they said.
Top management staff like the Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor, Administration, Prof Theophilus Agweda, Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academics, Prof Marshall Azeke, Acting Registrar, Mr. Ambrose Odiase among other top management staff were in attendance at the retreat.